¿Cómo configurar un recordatorio de seguimiento con MailTracker?

Estrategia de ventas
2 de enero de 2024

There's the SNOOZE feature on Gmail, did you know? You can bring an email back to the top of your inbox with the snooze button. 📥🕰️

⌚At Mailtracker, we wanted to add a feature of our own - the Follow-up reminder.

While snooze is more for received emails (or emails sent), the Follow-up reminder is specifically designed for the emails you are about to send.

Indeed, when you send an email on a Friday, you can schedule a follow-up reminder that will pop up on Tuesday if the person hasn't replied yet. ⏰📧

You'll never forget to follow up on an email again!

#MailtrackerMagic #ProductivityHacks ✨

How to set up the Mailtracker Follow-up reminder?

Step 1: Compose your email as usual

In your Gmail account, compose your email as usual. When you are ready to send the message, determine when you want the follow-up to appear.

Step 2: Set up the date

Click on the blue bell icon and tell if you want a follow-up in 2, 5, or 7 days or custom a date with the calendar.

Step 3: There is no step 3 because it’s super simple!

Got u!

RIP Dear Matthew🥲

⚠️ Important to know = If your recipient has opened your email before the date you picked, the follow-up reminder won’t pop up.

How to use the Gmail snooze feature?

At the top of a read or a sent email, you have the clock icon.

Same principle: you choose when you want this email to pop to the top of your inbox.

10 reasons why to set up the Mailtracker Follow-up reminder in Gmail?

Setting up a follow-up reminder in an email can be a strategic and practical move for several reasons:

1/ Proposal Pursuit:

  • Scenario: You've sent a crucial proposal to a potential client. Use Mailtracker's follow-up reminder to ensure it resurfaces if the client hasn't opened it within a specified timeframe. This ensures you stay top-of-mind during decision-making.

2/ Job Application Follow-Up:

  • Scenario: You've applied for a dream job and want to make sure your resume gets the attention it deserves. Set a follow-up reminder to prompt you to check in if there's been no response within a reasonable period.

3/ Sales Pitch Precision:

  • Scenario: You've pitched your product or service to a lead. Use the follow-up reminder to bring your proposal back into focus if the recipient hasn't engaged with it. It's like giving your pitch a second chance to shine.

4/ Event Invitation Etiquette:

  • Scenario: You've invited important guests to an event. Set follow-up reminders for the invitations, ensuring you can follow up graciously if the invites haven't been opened or responded to.

5/ Newsletter Impact Measurement:

  • Scenario: You've sent out a newsletter to your subscribers. Use follow-up reminders to track engagement. If certain contacts haven't opened the newsletter, consider tailoring a follow-up message to rekindle their interest.

6/ Educational Outreach:

  • Scenario: You've sent course information to potential students. Use follow-up reminders to identify who hasn't reviewed the material. This way, you can provide additional information or assistance as needed.

7/ Contract Confirmation:

  • Scenario: You've sent a contract for review. Set up a follow-up reminder to ensure the document doesn't go unnoticed. This is especially valuable for time-sensitive agreements or legal matters.

8/ Networking Persistence:

  • Scenario: You've reached out to a professional contact. If they haven't opened your email, the follow-up reminder prompts you to circle back with a friendly follow-up, reinforcing your commitment to the connection.

9/ Survey Participation Boost:

  • Scenario: You've sent out a survey to gather valuable feedback. Use follow-up reminders to target those who haven't opened the survey, encouraging them to share their thoughts and insights.

10/ Content Collaboration Coordination:

  • Scenario: You've shared collaborative documents or content for review. Set up follow-up reminders to prompt a check-in if collaborators haven't engaged, ensuring a smooth workflow and timely feedback.

By strategically using Mailtracker's Follow-up reminder feature in these scenarios, you can enhance your communication effectiveness and ensure that important emails don't get lost in the shuffle.

Seguimiento del correo electrónico para Gmail

Realice un seguimiento de todos los correos electrónicos y documentos que envíe. Sepa exactamente quién y cuándo se abren sus PDF y no vuelva a perder la oportunidad de hacer un seguimiento.

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