CC y CCO: ¿Qué significan en el correo electrónico?

Seguimiento del correo electrónico
Denisa Lamaj
14 de junio de 2024

Managing email recipients can often be tricky. Knowing the difference between CC and BCC is essential for effective communication. 

Whether you're sending a project update to your team or inviting clients to an event, understanding when and how to use these features can make all the difference. 

Let's break down CC and BCC, their limitations, alternatives, and more.

What is CC in Email?

CC stands for “Carbon Copy,” is a term borrowed from the pre-digital era when carbon paper was used to create duplicate documents. 

In email, adding recipients to the CC field means they will receive a copy of the email and can see who else is included. For example, if you’re sending a project update to your team and want to keep your manager in the loop, adding your manager to the CC field keeps everyone informed and transparent.

What is BCC in Email?

Similar to CC, BCC stands for “Blind Carbon Copy,” which allows you to send copies of an email to multiple recipients. The difference is that when you add recipients to the BCC field, their addresses remain hidden from other recipients.

This is useful for maintaining privacy when sending a message to multiple people who don’t know each other. 

For example, if you’re organizing a company event and need to invite clients without sharing their email addresses, you can use BCC. Each client will receive the invitation without seeing who else is invited, keeping your contact list confidential.

When Should You Use BCC in Email?

BBC is helpful in several business situations. For example, HR departments often use it for sending company-wide updates like policy changes or holiday schedules. This ensures everyone gets the message without everyone seeing each other’s email addresses or causing unnecessary replies.

Also, BCC is useful when introducing clients to each other for potential collaborations or partnerships. For example, a business development manager might use BCC to introduce two clients who could benefit from each other's services while keeping each client's contact information confidential.

Additionally, BCC is often used in schools for group emails to students or parents. Teachers or administrators use BCC to send reminders about events or deadlines, making sure that everyone gets the information without sharing email addresses.

When Should You Not Use BCC in Email?

While BCC is useful for maintaining privacy in email communications, there are situations where its use should be avoided.

For example, using BCC to secretly include others in emails can damage trust and breach privacy, making recipients feel excluded and mistrustful. Also, using BCC to share only parts of a conversation can cause misunderstandings and make others feel unfairly targeted or misrepresented.

Another time to avoid BCC is in customer service or support emails. Clients expect clear and open communication, and using BCC can seem secretive or untrustworthy. In this case, they might feel left out of important updates, leading to dissatisfaction and mistrust.

What are the Limitations of BCC Emails?

  • Lack of personalization. BCC emails do not allow for personalized emails tailored to individual recipients. Since everyone gets the same email without seeing each other's addresses, you can't add personal touches like addressing each recipient by name.
  • Limited tracking capabilities. Standard BCC functionality in email clients such as Gmail or Outlook lacks advanced tracking features. This means senders cannot track metrics like email opens, link clicks, or replies, which are crucial for measuring recipient engagement and follow-up actions.
  • No automatic follow-ups based on recipient actions. Unlike more advanced email tools or CRM systems, BCC emails do not support automated follow-up emails based on recipient actions.
  • Risk of privacy breaches. One of the biggest drawbacks of using BCC is the potential for privacy breaches if a recipient mistakenly clicks “Reply All.” This can expose all BCC'd recipients to each other, revealing email addresses and compromising privacy.
  • Limited collaboration and transparency. BCC emails reduce collaboration and transparency within teams or groups because recipients don't know who else received the email.

How to Send Emails Using an Email Tracking Tool

To effectively track and manage your emails, you’ll need to use an email tracking tool like MailTracker. It allows you to monitor recipient engagement metrics such as email opens, link clicks, and content interaction.

Unlike basic BCC, MailTracker gives detailed insights into recipient behavior. This helps you understand their interest and plan your follow-up actions better. For example, if a recipient shows high engagement, you can respond quickly. If engagement is low, you might send a gentle reminder.

Using an email tracking tool like MailTracker makes your email communication more efficient while keeping it professional and respecting privacy.

Utiliza MailTracker gratis para gestionar fácilmente tus correos electrónicos

Join 100k freelancers, managers, and consultants who use MailTracker every day for their Gmail. 

With features like link tracking, email alerts, and follow-up reminders, you’ll know exactly when your emails are opened and never miss a follow-up opportunity.

Add MailTracker to Chrome today for free and improve your email management!

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